The LDA project aims at implementing on a large scale, and in a real life test bed, innovative mobile services based on COPERNICUS (The European Earth Observation Programme, fromer GMES, and GNSS (The Global Navigation Satellite System, in the region of Attica, Greece. The region of Attica is an ideal area for demonstrating the potential of such kind of services for addressing societal challenges. Attica has the highest concentration of manufacturing and commercial activity in Greece. It is the main hub of communications, with facilities for the rapid transport of raw materials and finished products. The region accounts for 40% of total national employment and has a plentiful supply of manpower, particularly skilled labour. It also has a wealth of ancient monuments and sites, which attract millions of visitors from all over the world. The concentration of both economic activity and population in Attica has led to uncontrolled building, inadequate public transport, an increase in unemployment and crime, etc, and the deterioration of the natural environment.
The project is supported (or co-funded) by European Commission in the framework of the European Mobile and Mobility Industries Alliance for the development of large-scale demonstrators in support of COPERNICUS (former GMES) and GNSS based services in Europe.
The major objectives of the project are:
Projects that are in line with the LDA concept can be found here
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