The LDA project is being implemented by the Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET), the National Observatory of Athens (NOA), the Hellenic Association of Mobile Application Companies (HAMAC), the National Cadastre and Mapping Agency (HC)and Atlantis Consulting S.A.
GRNET is in charge of the development of innovative optical network infrastructure and services for the Greek research and academic community. It is supervised by the General Secretariat of Research & Technology – GSRT (Ministry of Education). GRNET’s mission is to provide high-quality international and national networking services to support research and educational activities to Greek academic and research institutions along with the public and private sector. GRNET participates in various EC funded projects in the area of high-speed networking, supercomputing, cloud computing, ICT and innovation policy.
NOA is a research institute with a longstanding experience in developing Environmental Observation based systems and services for Emergency Planning and Emergency Support, Environmental Monitoring, Civil Protection and Public Security, Land, Sea, and Atmospheric Monitoring. Through the GMES related activities it provides support to governmental bodies, decision makers, environmentalists, ministerial bodies, civil protection and local authorities. NOA has been nominated and also qualified at a European level as the Focal Point for GMES Emergency Response and Emergency Support Core Services, and has been nominated since 2000 Principal Investigator of ESA in geophysical related studies based on the use of SAR satellite data.
HAMAC represents a vibrant sector of more than 80 high-tech companies whose activities include the development of added value mobile applications, the provision of added value services for telecommunication providers, the provision of innovative communication, content and application services.
National Cadastre and Mapping Agency (former OKXE & Ktimatologio S.A.) company is a Legal Entity of Private Law and its mission is the study, development and operation of the Hellenic Cadastre. The Hellenic Cadastre is a unified and constantly updated system of information that records the legal, technical and other additional details about real estate properties and the rights on them; this information is kept under the responsibility and guarantee of the State. The development of the Hellenic Cadastre aims at the creation of a modern, fully automated real estate property record, whose details are of an evidentiary nature, ensuring the best publicity and security of transactions.
Atlantis Consulting S.A. is a private consulting company. Atlantis is the coordinator of the Mobile Services Innovation Platform (MOBIP) project, and the coordinator of the European Mobile and Mobility industries international INVESTment programme (EMMINVEST). Atlantis has excellent links with SMEs and large enterprises in the mobile services sector, having taken the initiative for the formation of Hellenic Association of Mobile Applications Companies (HAMAC), of which it is an honorary member.
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