Related Projects

Seamless Cities – Seamless Navigation Services for Urban Areas in Support of COPERNICUS

SeamlessCities is a large-scale demonstrator of intermodal transport services that provide seamless real-time navigation and environmental information.

It aims to facilitate applications for seamless localisation and navigation services for European urban areas and to boost the use of Earth observation data provided by the European programme Copernicus in mobile services.

An intermodal transport service app (including multimodal routing and booking) will be developed as a large-scale demonstrator by the consortium for the City of Nuremberg, which aims to roll out the service in further European cities.

Meanwhile, an app developer camp will be organised and held to encourage the development of further city app concepts co-financed by the project and support their further development in cooperation with a European city. More information:

myEOrganics - Combined GNSS and Copernicus data to secure environmental agricultural systems

Within the project myEOrganics, a mobile application shall be developed, that uses satellite data to support certification of organic farming. Earth observation data will allow better efficiency in certification of organic farming and increase public awareness and quality of organic farming in Europe.

The large scale demonstrator is geared towards a working mobile application to be used by certification bodies. myEOrganics aims at verifying the feasibility of this service and provide a blueprint for similar applications. This shall in the long term lower risks for investors in this area and pave the way for an innovative industry, making use of EO data and mobile technology in the agricultural sector.

Supporting organic certification contributes to the societal challenges of sustainable agriculture, food security and consumer’s safety. myEOrganics focuses on EU’s Common Agricultural Policy: promoting a safe, clean, environmentally friendly, competitive and sustainable agriculture in Europe More information:

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